Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bedtime routines and strange OCD behavior

It's 5:45am and I was just beckoned to Munchkin Girl's room to search for the "hippo" that had fallen off the bed.  My husband really wants me to find out if we are the only ones who have this problem.  Munchkin Girl is three years old and this is what her bed looks like every night.  And by every night I mean EVERY night.  No exceptions.  Even the placement of every item is crucial.   Tinkerbell on the right side.  Cinderella on the left  Then you will notice the purse (Yes, it's still the fake Prada from the doctor visit.  The purse also has specific items inside and if anything is forgotten, it can be a major tradegy, even at 2am when she tends to take inventory of what is missing

Hubby is gone at bedtime a lot, which means that I alone have to:

1.  Locate all the items, which can be a major chore because she plays with them all day.  I found the small teddy bear inside the oven in the play kitchen last night
2.  Pick up all the items and carry her and the items up the stairs
3.  Arrange all items correctly in bed
4.  Read 1 book
5.  Tell her one story of when I was a little girl and one story about when Daddy was a little boy
6.  Give her a kiss in exactly the right spot on the cheek

The problem is, she doesn't want to leave these items in the bed.  Every single morning, she wants me to carry all of these, plus her blankie, plus her down the stairs.  That's not even to mention my 18 month old.  Luckily all he needs is milk and some food.

We did ask my doctor about all this.  He claims it is normal and we should just try to keep her as comfortable as possible.  She better grow out of this phase soon.  Keep in mind that she already has a full bed, not a twin, and yet the other day she said, "Mommy, I need a bigger bed.  Tinkerbell keeps falling out."


  1. Oh, this sounds VERY familiar. Even now my son has his particular way of setting up his bed. Thankfully he's 12 and does it all himself. And his layout has more to do with iPod placement and magazines, nothing to do with Tinkerbell. ;) It's a pain for you, but yes, it will pass (or she'll at least get big enough to do all the hauling herself).

  2. I think that's totally normal...all kids do stuff like that. I was one of those when I was little...however, I do not think I would be patient enough to do all that every night!! I think I would insist that she go get the stuff herself if she wanted all of it perfect...LOL!! I'm sure she will outgrow it though.... ;)

  3. Thanks ladies! So glad to know that it's not just us that goes through this. Tonight it was an extra stuff bear that snuck into her bed and he didn't belong there!!! :-)

  4. My daughter is four and she is the same way. She has a stuffed puppy that she can not go to bed with out.she plays with him during the day so there has been a many a night spent searching for puppy.

  5. I don't find it so much cumbersome, but I must tell you that my oldest son now 11, went through the exact type of rituals when he was about that age, expect all he would do was point not talk. He was diagnosed with Autism. He is obsessed with not getting messy even while he eats or plays. Having everything in an exact location in the bed was identical to your daughter. It's probably nothing because I have 3 other children that bordered on similar rituals yet they are typical ordinary kids. Most children obsess with having stuffed animals with them at night, but I'm not so sure about exact locations and other items as well. Never hurts to ask and be aware, just in case. Good luck. Hana L
