Thursday, October 13, 2011

Games NOT to play with a three year old

Ever since my daugher was born I've been waiting for her to grow up so she could play board games with me.  Hubby won't play board games under any circumstances (even when I make lavish promises and/or threats, I've tried both)

Since I knew Hubby was going to be working late again tonight, I decided that tonight was the night.  Chutes and Ladders says it is for children three and older.  Hooray!  Munchkin Girl is a bright three year old so that should work great.  I had visions of us happily playing Chutes and Ladders after dinner...she would laugh and expertly move her game piece all around the board and would suddenly know all the numbers...a truly idyllic scene, right??

Well...let's just say that I think they should change the box to ages four and older...or maybe Munchkin Girl is just too hyper.  This pretty much sums up our night of Chutes and Ladders:

Yes, she is looking the other way while reading a book and singing.  There is still hope.  Little Buddy will grow up someday.


  1. Newest follower! Found you from the blog hop.

  2. stopping by from the blog hop! So nice to see another 'Working Mom' blog!!

    Please stop by when you have a few minutes!


  3. Reading a book and singing - how sweet. I can't even imagine how many times I've played Chutes and Ladders. That game has been out forever - must be a winner. At least she's happy.

  4. he he he he....give her time. Next thing you know she will be asking you to play a game with her every 5 minutes. Pick your poison. :)

  5. I LOVE playing games with my kids, but love it even more now that they are old enough to play board games together without me!! You're not far behind. Until then, Candy Land was the rock star of board games in our house for a good 5 years.

  6. I can hardly imagine not having someone to play board games with; love them! My favorite is convincing others to join me in an evening of food and games--though that takes work! Sounds like Muchkin Girl has A LOT of energy and could enjoy some running or a dance party before she sits. Hope see loves games just like you as she ages.
