New Research: Are We Robbing Our Kids of a Childhood?
Did you know that 75% of all American children are enrolled in daycare centers?
A new study was published this week in the American Journal of Pediatrics that finds that these daycare children are largely sedentary and are only spending 2-3% of their day doing vigorous physical activity. This is way down from the recommended levels and it means that the vast majority of American children are starting out their lives way behind in gross motor skills. The researchers found three reasons for the largely sedentary lifestyle in day cares:
1. Injury concerns (Daycare providers are afraid of being sued and also say that parents urge them not to let the children play vigorously, for fear of injury)
2. Financial (They don't have the money to buy safe equipment and also state that the equipment that is "safe" isn't interesting or fun for kids so they don't see any reason to waste the money. That's ironic, isn't it?)
3. Emphasis on academics (Society has placed such importance on reading and test scores that parents are feeling the pressure and are worried their kids won't know the letters and numbers at an early age. The daycare centers that were studied stated that parents were more concerned about what their children "learned" that day, rather than how much they played and that parents put a lot of pressure on the daycare centers to emphasize academics to "prepare" children for school.)
My kids don't go to daycare, but my observation is that most daycares are wonderful. The teachers really do care about the children and there are regulations in place that keep things very safe and clean. However, according this study, the problem is that after kids get home from daycare, it's often time to have dinner and a bath and go to bed, so the daytime is the only time they would have to play outside and play vigorously and since they aren't getting it there, they might not be getting it at all.
Think back for a minute to when you were a kid. Do you remember sitting around learning numbers and letters? Of course not. You remember riding bikes to the pool, catching fireflies, or maybe climbing a tree with your best friend. Obviously children need to read, but people have been learning to read for hundreds and thousands of years, so why do we think we need to drill this into our children's head at age 3? Why do we think we need computer programs to teach our children to read?
I have heard that many Kindergarten teachers are now using computer programs to teach children how to read. Can you imagine? Many experts maintain that children learn by doing, by interacting, and by touching, and not by computers. I'm sure computers are fine in moderation, but I find it extremely alarming that any school would use a computer program as the primary teaching plan for the academic year. It's almost like schools don't care about fun, social skills, or problem-solving. They only care about test scores.
To me, this illustrates so clearly how the emphasis on academics is stealing childhood from our children. As parents, I think we need to protest. The pressure for children to perform well in school is so intense that people feel the need to start preparing at age 2 or 3. I know that I feel the pressure sometimes. I don't want my kids to get behind, but I think we need to draw a line somewhere. Homework is getting so out of control in many grade schools that kids don't even have time to play outside after school. This is tragic. Getting a good score when they are ten years old doesn't guarantee success in life. People grow up to be successful and happy in life when they are confident, self-reliant, and aren't lazy and are willing to work for success. When we deprive our children the opportunity to play outside and play with other children, we rob them of chances to learn these valuable skills. Let's give our children something to remember about their childhood, other than sitting in front of a computer while they learn numbers and letters. Let's make some memories with our kids and quit worrying so much about test scores.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a perfect Mom by any means, but I LOVE watching my kids play vigorously and get exercise. After all, see what kids can do if we just give them some time to be kids?
They wrestle
They catch leaves
They Gather Rocks
They Play With Laundry Baskets
They Swing
They Play In The Dirt
After all, isn't this what having kids is all about? What do you think?? Am I wrong??
Also, I would really love it if you would buy my book!! If you have ever tried to cook dinner while your kids clung to your legs, this is the book for you! You aren't the only Mom out there who wondered why the kids make you crazy! We packed the book full of step-by-step instructions on what craft supplies to buy, how to do non-messy crafts, and also some ideas on activities that will truly interest your kids so they are busy while you cook dinner! I really do think it can help Moms. We've gotten some great feedback so far and the reviews on Amazon have been really solid if you want some other opinions before you buy. Plus, my co-author, Susan Case, is a former Kindergarten teacher and is wonderful resource and you will learn so much from her. And if you do, PLEASE come back and tell me what you think! I can't thank you all enough for your support.