Monday, January 2, 2012

Don't Throw Away Holiday Cards

We tend to fight over who gets to check the mail during the magical month of December.  Well honestly I guess no one is competing except for me, but if Hubby dares to pick up the key to check the mail, I tend to tackle him and run out there myself.  I love getting Holiday Cards, sue me!  Anyway, when I was growing up, we always threw them away after New Year's and then later in life when I was an adult, one Christmas it occurred to me how fun it would be have been able to look back at all the cards my parents got when I was a kid. 

For about three years now, I have saved the Holiday Cards instead of throwing them away.  I put them with our photo albums and mementos and I'm so glad to have these cards.  It's so fun to look at kids as they grow up, as babies are born, and especially to read the Holiday letters.  It's like having old photo albums of all your friends and family!  So this year, do yourself a favor and get a manilla envelope and label it and load up all those Holiday Cards.  I bet you'll thank yourself later in life!

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  1. I'm following you from Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop...or Bounce. :) Hope to see you back at

  2. how true! we just looked at some of our old friends and heir kids..what fun..and how funny!

  3. My mom did this with our old cards and I love reading them. It's become a tradition in my family to keep them. When I have more time I catalogue them but lately they're in pretty yellow envelopes. Memories are priceless!! Great post!

  4. Hi, I'm tagging you! Stop by my blog after noon today to read the post & pick up your questions.

  5. Oooo, that's a really good idea. I know I'd love to save a few of the cards we got this year.

    P.S. Come check out our first giveaway of a PMD

  6. You have saved the Holiday Cards instead of throwing them away. Thanks a lot for sharing this article with us. Now it's time to avail Baby Liquid Soap for more information.
