Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stickers Aren't a Waste of Money!

How Stickers Help Little Kids Learn
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The Little Mermaid is the latest obsession around our house.  We even have to read the book every night and of course I can't skip even one single page.  If I try, Munchkin Girl immediately stops me and says, "Mommy!  You skipped the page about Ariel's Daddy!" 

using stickers to improve fine motor skills, toddlers using stickersThe good news is there are lots of projects we can do that are related to The Little Mermaid.   I saw a tub of ocean stickers the other day and thought it would be a very easy craft for Munchkin Girl to create her own "ocean".  I used to think stickers were a bit indulgent...really just a waste of money until my friend and child expert Susan Case helped me realize that stickers can be a really valuable way for children to work on strength and fine motor skills.  We've been doing lots of stickers lately and last weekend we went out breakfast and they gave us a plastic case of crayons.  Normally Munchkin Girl would have made me open hers, because it was clear plastic and pretty tricky to open, but this time, she opened the package herself without even asking for help!  I really think this is from all the sticker practice she has had lately.

how to tell good stickers from bad stickers, why stickers can be frustrating for kidsHowever, I noticed something this sticker project.  Not all stickers are created equally.  First, we started with a book of stickers that I bought because it had a lot of variety.  I liked all the choices she would have.  However, as it turned out, these were too small for her.  She could get the stickers started, but then the head wouldn't come with the rest of the body and she would get frustrated and whine for me to come help her.  I could tell this project didn't booster her self-confidence at all.  In fact, it was the opposite because she had trouble with almost every one she tried to remove.  We had much better luck with the larger, foam stickers.  They didn't look like they would be as much fun because they didn't have any detail, but she didn't care.  She definitely preferred the ease of the larger stickers and so did I because when she was able to take the stickers off by herself, the project took her a lot of time and she worked quietly by herself while she created her ocean.

little mermaid activities, stickers for kids,

So, if you're ever wondering how to improve fine motor skills in preschoolers, go with this cheap craft!  Who might end up with smarter kids!! :-)  All I needed for this project was construction paper and the stickers.  It took no prep work from me and was easy to clean up!

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  1. You know I too kind of viewed stickers as a waste, but I think you are right about teaching them fine motor skills. Love the tattoos on your daughters arms, I think we have them up and down my children's arms quite often as well.

  2. Cute project! When she gets older, she can take it a step further and group the sea animals by their "place" in the underwater ecosystem. Fun!!!

  3. That is def one thing that I don't think is a waste of boys get so much enjoyment and fun out of the stickers that if they ask for some I don't mind getting them some

  4. I don't think I've ever viewed stickers as a waste of money. My son gets so much enjoyment out of them, and I've always viewed them as just another art material. Totally agree that they are great for the development of fine motor skills. I find it you keep an eye out in local supermarkets and the like, you can often find great bargains with stickers - little books with 100s of stickers for just a euro or two.

  5. Great post! I agree completely that stickers are great for fine motor development. My daughter LOVES stickers and I too have to be careful about what type to buy so that they actually help her self-confidence and not harm it. She particularly enjoys playing with the foam stickers, especially the holiday themes. If I time it right, I can get them at after-holiday clearance sales for just a few dollars per large tub.

  6. I love Stickers - yes they cost us money weekly as they can't be resued but J and T get so much enjoyment from them. J has perfected the getting off small stickers from the sticker sheets recently and T has got the hang of taking them off a page which J has stuck them to.

    Thank you so much for linking up to Tuesday Tots

  7. Rosie loves stickers too! I buy them at The Dollar Tree to try and save a bit. It looks like your little one had a lot of fun. Thanks for linknig up to Tuesday Tots!

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