Monday, November 19, 2012

Easiest Thanksgiving Craft Ever

Extravagant Holiday crafts are not my specialty.  However, we haven't talked about Thanksgiving very much much lately, so this year, we went ahead and did one...but it was the easiest and most simple craft in the history of crafts.  I simply got a few paper plates, some construction paper, and some googley eyes.  I cut up some "feathers" for them and gave them their glue.  I even sat down and did one with them and they really enjoyed seeing my finished Turkey.  Sometimes it takes so little to impress children that it really thrills me.

Here is my daughter's Turkey (Age 4)

And here is my son's (Age 2.5).  You have to use your imagination a little bit and as usual, he went a little overboard with the eyes, but he sure likes having it hanging up for the world to see!

For more easy craft ideas, please check out my new book! The Happy Mommy Handbook: The Ultimate How-to Guide on Keeping Your Toddlers and Preschoolers Busy, Out of Trouble and Motivated to Learn has been out for a few months and people seem to be really enjoying it!  And if you do get it, would you do us a big favor and leave a review?  The more reviews, the better!  

Thank you so much!!

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