Thursday, January 31, 2013

When the Kids are Driving me Crazy....

The other day we had one of those days where the kids really felt that it was their solemn duty to irritate the crap out of each other and out of me.  For example, Little Buddy was playing with a bouncy ball.  He would throw it up in the air and when it would land, Munchkin Girl would take it and run away cackling, knowing full-well that he wanted it and would be upset that she took it.  I would put her in a time-out and she would yell and cry but then would promise to be better.  Then, when she got downstairs after her timeout, she would start playing with a doll and Little Buddy would steal it and run away.  Then she would tackle him and he would pull her hair.  Nothing worked.  They were just intent on being naughty and no matter how many threats, timeouts, and screaming fits I had, they weren't going to change their overall attitudes.  We were stuck in a vicious cycle of crazy. 

I have been doing some solemn research on this topic and I have found that when this happens, there are only four ways to reverse the atmosphere:
  1. Let them watch a TV show.  Sometimes just getting their minds off the cycle will change the mood for the entire day.  Experts say kids shouldn't watch too much TV, but let's be honest.  It works.  And sometimes you just need it.
  2. Get in the car.  It doesn't matter if I just drive in circles.  Getting everyone out of the house gives me a break and again, it takes their minds off the cycle of bad behavior. 
  3. Play tag and/or hide and go seek.  They often just need to burn energy.  Just chase them around the house and let them scream.
  4. Put on music.  Have a dance party.  Do a piggy back ride and sway to the music. (I have found the song Monster Mash to be particularly effective)
  5. Put on an exercise tape!  I was amazed at how my kids (ages four and 2) loved to follow along and raise their arms when instructed.  The bonus is that I got to exercise and they burned energy at the same time!
If all else fails, call your husband/Mom/neighbor and beg someone to come give you a break!  As my husband and I often say, "It's time for a change in personnel".

Tell me what you do when your kids are driving you crazy!  And again, thanks so much for visiting and commenting!  I truly appreciate hearing from you!

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  1. love this! and at the perfect time for me... I feel like I'm losing my mind lately!

  2. Yes, these winter months can stretch on. That's funny: Time for change in personnel." I can relate!

  3. This is just what it was like at my house yesterday! I actually put myself in time out. Here's how it went down:

    [The boys were both demanding my full attention to look at some Star Wars-related play dough creation or some other "look at me" attention-grab]

    ME: (On the brink of losing it) Boys, I have to go downstairs to my room for a few minutes to take a time out. I'm starting to feel upset and angry, and I don't want to start yelling. I need to go RIGHT NOW until I feel better.

    BUG (age 5): Do you feel like you're going to explode?

    ME: Yes, honey. (Shuts door.)

    And they actually played by themselves for about 15 minutes! I was really proud of myself!

  4. Yes there are times when letting the duke it out amongst themselves is the better option. Just be sure to superviae to prevent serious injury. Sometimes putting them all in time out (no blame game here!), or just sucking it up and giving them all the attention they are needing in a more constructive manner. If all else fails, call in the reinforcments! Regardless which method I choose (one from your list or mine)I try to make sure they know they are not being REWARDED for their bad behavior lest the decide to repeat the performance for more TV time or the like.

  5. I leave the room and let her know that I am going upstairs to load the dryer I do allot of dryer loading during the day. Disney Junior on Demand has great work out programs for kiddos and they love following them. If all else fails I lock myself in the closet and drink my wine...BTW that is a joke we need some humor we are after all mommies

  6. Good advice! Try this as well: You'd be amazed at how quickly they calm down!

  7. Thank you so much for this. I have never "searched" this subject before. Sometimes it gets so bad at my house I question if I should have just had my son as he seems like he'd do we'll as an only child. Of course I know that's not an option lol! My kids are 2 and 4 it's like wwf

  8. Thank you so much for this. I have never "searched" this subject before. Sometimes it gets so bad at my house I question if I should have just had my son as he seems like he'd do we'll as an only child. Of course I know that's not an option lol! My kids are 2 and 4 it's like wwf
